Suomi NPP views of Ernesto and Florence
The Day-Night Band from VIIRS on the Suomi/NPP has been giving excellent imagery of Tropical Storms Ernesto and Florence over the weekend. The views are especially crisp because of the near fullness of the moon. For example, the sheared nature of Ernesto (top) is evident, and the overshooting tops in Florence are distinct. Infrared imagery at the same times show the extreme height (and coldness) of the overshooting tops in both Ernesto and Florence.
The Day-Night Band (DNB) has a nadir resolution of approximately 800 m. Visible resolution in daytime is 400 m, and toggle from 1739 UTC on 4 August between visible and infrared imagery (both with native 400-m resolution) shows very cold overshooting tops (temperatures as cold as -91 C) and evidence of gravity waves propagating outward from the overshoots. Details on the different VIIRS bands are available here.