GOES-17 ABI Temperature Data Quality Flags (TDQF) thresholds updated

Top: Thumbnails of GOES-17 and GOES-16 ABI Band 12 (9.6 µm) on August 1, 2019. Bottom: Time series of GOES-17 minus GOES-16 brightness temperature for a region located between the two satellites. Also plotted is the GOES-17 Focal Plane Temperature. The reduced duration of the GOES-17 data to be flagged is highlighted. [click to enlarge]
- DQF:percent_good_pixel_qf = 1.f ;
- DQF:percent_conditionally_usable_pixel_qf = 0.f ;
- DQF:percent_out_of_range_pixel_qf = 0.f ;
- DQF:percent_no_value_pixel_qf = 0.f ;
- DQF:percent_focal_plane_temperature_threshold_exceeded_qf = 0.f
The last one, DQF:percent_focal_plane_temperature_threshold_exceeded_qf, reports what percentage of the images pixels are warmer than the threshold value. Note that the thresholds on both the increasing and decreasing temperatures are also reported in the meta-data.
Near realtime brightness temperature comparisons between GOES-16 and GOES-17, as well as historical comparisons for a region centered on the equator and half way between the two satellites.
From the NOAA Notification:
Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-17 ABI auxiliary field change
Date/Time of Initial Impact: August 8, 2019 1945 UTC
Details/Specifics of Change:
The GOES-17 ABI Temperature Data Quality Flags (TDQF) thresholds for the thermal bands have been updated to the values in the table below. This update will make utilizing the TDQF more effective for flagging saturated data caused by the GOES-17 ABI cooling system anomaly. There will be no impacts to distribution caused by this update.
Update (10/02/2019)On October 2, 2019, at 17:04 UTC, updates for a number of the ABI GOES-17 DQF thresholds were implemented in the operational system. NOAA Notification: https://www.ospo.noaa.gov/data/messages/2019/MSG2751954.html