RGB Webapp
Please note that the activties on these pages use HTML5 and require an up-to-date browser!
These are also "touch-friendly" and should run on mobile devices.
"Red, Green, Blue" or RGB processing consolidates data from different spectral channels (wavelengths) into a blended colorized RGB image.
Concept (flowers)
GOES-16 and -17 Examples
Real-time Geostationary Images
This webapp allows one to explore, via an interactive tool, how meteorologist combine satellite data from different spectral bands to provide more information about a scene. Educators can download this worksheet for classroom use.
Related links
GOES-R Series WebApps
Additional CIMSS Weather and Climate Webapps
Rapid Scan imagery from GOES-14
CIMSS GOES-16 Satellite blog
Unless otherwise noted, all these applets are Copyright© 2014 by Tom Whittaker at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Imagery provided by Tim Schmit, NOAA NESDIS.