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Archive: Oct 2023

Tropical Storm Sean

Tropical Storm Sean has developed in the mid-Atlantic and is moving northwest, but is predicted to dissipate by Sunday, 2023-10-15. RealEarth provides an opportunity to look back at the last 48 hours of Sean developing. A video from RealEarth shows GOES-16 true color and Band 13 (10.3 microns, “clean” infrared... Read More

LIS Observations of lightning within the eyewall of Typhoon Bolaven

The Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) has been flying on the International Space Station since 2017 to extend LIS observations that began with the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM). This provides for nearly global observations optical detection of lightning. On 11 October and 12 October, two passes of the LIS, shown below, observed Typhoon Bolaven: the ascending pass from 2124 to 2134 UTC on... Read More

SAR wind observations over Super Typhoon Bolaven

The RCM-1 (Radarsat Constellation Mission 1) satellite overflew STY Bolaven at 0840 UTC on 11 October. The Himawari-9 infrared (10.4 µm) presentation of the storm is excellent with a symmetric storm, distinct eye, and vigorous outer band convection. SAR winds show the strongest convection in the eastern half of the... Read More