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Stories by Scott Lindstrom

Dissipation of Fog

The long nights of winter can be ideal for the formation of fog. Clear, calm conditions are conducive to strong radiational cooling, and if the cooling occurs over a moist surface, cooling to the dewpoint is likely and fog may be a result. Once fog has formed over a location,... Read More

Fog and Low Cloud Detection at Night

It’s straightforward to differentiate between high clouds and the ground in infrared satellite imagery because of large temperature differences. As clouds get closer and closer to the surface, their temperature gets closer and closer to the surface temperature, and brightness temperature differences can become insignifcant. At night, when visible data... Read More

The Problem of Parallax

Parallax can mean different things in different sciences (See, for example, this link that describes how parallax is used to compute distances in astronomy), but in satellite meteorology, parallax is the apparent shift in an object’s position (away from the sub-satellite point) as a result of... Read More