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Stories by Scott Bachmeier

GOES Sounder Total Column Ozone

A deep cold core upper-level low rapidly intensified over the northcentral US and southcentral Canada on 11 October — cold air in the wake of a strong southward-moving cold frontal boundary allowed many sites across the Upper Midwest and the western Great... Read More

Warm and cold conveyor belts

A deep cyclone was intensifying over the Mid-Atlantic states on 06 October; this storm was eventually responsible for heavy rains and high winds that caused flooding over parts of Virginia. The AWIPS GOES water vapor channel image at 11:45 UTC (above) showed... Read More

Gulf Stream, and Autumn color

The AWIPS MODIS Sea Surface Temperature product (above) reveals the dramatic water temperature contrast associated with the Gulf Stream off the East Coast of the US on 04 October. Sea surface temperatures were as warm as 81 F (red enhancement) along the axis of the Gulf Stream off the... Read More

Final day of GOES-10 SRSO

Beginning on 23 August, the GOES-10 satellite was placed into continuous Super Rapid Scan Operations (SRSO) mode, providing images at 1-minute intervals over a limited region of the US. 02 October was the final day of GOES-10 SRSO, and some of the interesting... Read More