Change in CIMSS Direct Broadcast displays for NUCAPS HEAP pressure level analyses

CIMSS Scientists have adjusted the presentation of individual thermodynamic variables produced from HEAP (NUCAPS) profiles for NOAA-20 overpasses that are available here in near-real time (at that website, chose j01 (that is, NOAA-20), crisfsr, and then images); HEAP software that supports NOAA-21 data is not yet available. Previously (above) values were color-coded for the entire size of the gridded CrIS/ATMS footprint. Now (below), values are color-coded for the centroid of the that same footprint. Analyses are provided via the CSPP Leo Direct Broadcast processing for thermodynamic (Temperature, Relative Humidity, Dewpoint and water vapor mixing ratio) at 247, 496, 753 and 904 mb.

Software that creates these images is available at the CSPP website, both for the HEAP software and for the Sounding Quicklooks software.