Extended JPSS ATMS/VIIRS imagery at the CIMSS Direct Broadcast site
New software now in use at CIMSS combines JPSS Raw Data Records (RDRs) from Suomi-NPP or from NOAA-20, created at different direct broadcast antenna sites (for example, at CIMSS (data link for NOAA-20; data link for Suomi NPP) — and at AOML in Miami), into a single RDR that includes data that can span roughly 1/4 of a JPSS orbit. Polar2Grid software then produces exceptional (and exceptionally long!) imagery, such as the True Color image from Suomi NPP shown below, from 1811 UTC on 17 February (also available at the CIMSS Direct Broadcast site here, or at the VIIRS Image Viewer). The view below extends from northern Canada to the Equator and includes the Pacific Ocean south of Mexico and also Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela. VIIRS single-channel and True- and False-Color imagery are produced over the larger domain; ATMS imagery is also produced over a larger domain (here’s an example 88.2 GHz image, for example, from 1811 UTC on 17 February) and extended Advanced Clear-Sky Processor for Ocean (ACSPO) SST fields are also produced that include data over the Pacific ocean southwest of Mexico, as in this example from NOAA-20 from 1918 UTC on 16 February.