Severe thunderstorms in Texas
1-minute Mesoscale Domain Sector GOES-16 (GOES-East) “Red” Visible (0.64 µm) images (above) include time-matched SPC Storm Reports — and showed the development severe thunderstorms across parts of Texas (and far southeastern New Mexico) during the afternoon and early evening hours on 24 May 2022. These storms produced hail as large as 4.00 inches in diameter, a tornado and damaging winds as strong as 78 mph. Signatures of Above-Anvil Cirrus Plumes (reference | VISIT training) were also evident .In the corresponding 1-minute GOES-16 “Clean” Infrared Window (10.35 µm) images (below), pulsing overshooting tops exhibited infrared brightness temperatures in the -70 to -79ºC range.