GOES-17 imagery and a cooler Set Point temperature

At 1500 UTC today, the Set Point temperature on the cryocooler was re-set to a cooler temperature (the effect of the warmer Set Point temperature is discussed here: Bands 10 and 12 had more lines of missing data related to the warming of the satellite by the Sun). The cryocooler works to reduce the thermal load on the satellite, but during seasonal peak heating (see the figure on Page 5 in this document), it is unable to counteract fully the effects of the malfunctioning Loop Heat Pipe on GOES-17.
The figure below compares Focal Plane Temperatures on 16 April (with the warmer Set Point temperature) and 19 April (during which day the cooler Set Point Temperature was re-implemented). (More comparison imagery is at this website; imagery for Band 10 on 16 April is here; from 19 April is here) Note how the brightness temperature difference between GOES-16 and GOES-17 is very different (one might say noisy) on 16 April, and on 19 April until about 1530 UTC, after which point it stabilizes at less than about 0.25K warmer for GOES-17. The change in the Focal Plane Module (FPM) Temperature is also apparent: The FPM is about 3K cooler than on 16 April starting around 1500 UTC on 19 April. This is because of the change in the Set Point on the cryocooler that occurred at that time.