Using GEOKOMPSAT-2 and Himawari-8 Imagery to create Stereoscopic Imagery

Visible (0.64 µm) Imagery from Himawari-8 (left) and GEOKOMPSAT-2A (right) at 0400 and 0500 UTC on 14 Nov 2019 (Click to enlarge)
Geostationary data from KMA‘s GEOKOMPSAT-2 satellite (over the Equator at 128º E Longitude, shown above at right) and from JMA‘s Himawari-8 Satellite (over the Equator at 140º E Longitude, shown above at left) can be used to create stereoscopic imagery. The imagery above, from 0400 and 0500 UTC on 14 November 2019, centered at 15º N, 150º E, shows Typhoon Fengshen. Visible imagery from both satellites show a well-developed central cluster of thunderstorms with little apparent indication of wind shear. Stereoscopic views of the storm allow the vertical structure of the system to be perceived.
Data processing for these images was accomplished using Geo2Grid, a software package that incorporates Satpy. (Previous Blog posts discussing Geo2Grid are here and here).
Very grateful acknowledgement of these data from KMA and from JMA is extended. Thank you!
Added: Click here for an animation from 0300 to 0550 UTC on 14 November. (Warning: Large animated gif at 159 M).