First Imagery from Himawari-9

Visible Band 3 (0.64 µm) Full Disk Imagery from Himawari-9 at 0240 UTC on 24 January 2017 [click to enlarge]
The Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA) has released the first imagery from the Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) on Himawari-9. The image above, from 0240 UTC on 24 January 2017, is from Band 3 (the “Red” Band) that detects reflected solar radiation near 0.64 µm in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This band has the highest spatial resolution of the 16 AHI channels: 0.5 km at the sub-satellite point. (A similar image from Himawari-8 at 0250 UTC on 24 January 2017 is here; Himawari-8 does not produce imagery at 0240 UTC or 1440 UTC; satellite housekeeping occurs at those times).
Additional Himawari-9 band imagery from 0240 UTC on 24 January 2017 is available here. All imagery courtesy of JMA.