GOES-14 SRSO-R Views of Convection over Montana
SRSO-R GOES-14 1-minute imagery shows the dynamic nature of the cirrus canopy over developing convection. Strong convection over Montana includes multiple overshooting tops that are visible in the GOES-14 imagery. Routine GOES-15 imagery, also shown, lacks the temporal resolution to capture the growth and decay of many cloud-top features. This is especially true every three hours when a full-disk image is scanned (at 0000 UTC, for example), and at times when satellite housekeeping precludes scanning (at 0045 UTC in this case). The 10.7 µm imagery, below, tells a similar tale. Cold cloud tops appear and vanish at time scales that are not resolved by present operational capabilities.
GOES-R will allow for simultaneous full disk scanning and RSO scanning at the mesoscale.