Stereoscopic views of severe convection over Nebraska
GOES-16 (left) and GOES-17 (right) Band 2 (0.64 µm) Visible imagery, 2140 UTC on 8 June 2020 through 0130 UTC 9 June 2020
Strong convection developed over Nebraska late in the afternoon of June 8th (SPC Storm reports are here). Mesoscale domains from both GOES-16 and GOES-17 viewed this developing convection, enabling fine spatial and temporal-scale viewing of the convection. (Past Mesoscale domain sectors can be searched at this website; this website shows locations in the past year.)
The stereoscopic mp4 animation (created using geo2grid and ffmpeg; a similar blog post on this technique is here) above captures the convective development near 2200 UTC on the 8th, and follows the storm evolution through sunset. To view the imagery in three dimensions, cross your eyes until three images are present, and focus on the image in the middle.
A 2-panel comparison of GOES-17 and GOES-16 Visible images during the period 2230-0208 UTC is shown below, with time-matched plots of SPC Storm Reports. The images are displayed in the native projection of each satellite.
Two other animations (mp4s with imagery every minute from the mesoscale sector), courtesy of Tim Schmit, NOAA/STAR, show the evolution over Nebraska on this day. This one shows the GOES-17 visible imagery from sun-rise through late afternoon; stable wave clouds are evolve into the strong convection noted above. A second animation shows the evolution of the Convection RGB from 2100 UTC on 8 June through 0159 UTC on 9 June. This event is also featured in the CIRA Image of the day (link).