Some in the field analysis of observations from ER-2 instruments during SUCCESS

Brief descriptions of instruments on the ER-2
The intent of this page is to provide brief descriptions of our in the field work. All results are quick look analysis.

SUCCESS Homepage

April 8, 1996.

April 9, 1996.

April 13, 1996.

April 15, 1996.

April 16, 1996.

April 20, 1996.

April 21, 1996.

April 23, 1996.

April 26, 1996.

April 27, 1996.

May 2, 1996.

May 3, 1996.

May 4, 1996.

This page is being maintained by SSEC/CIMSS personnel while the field experiment is being conducted. Please refer questions to Steve Ackerman at