HES Temporal Resolution Study


HES temporal resolution has been demonstrated by simulation with MM5 data during the IHOP experiment. See the following links for HES temporal resolution demonstration:

(Note: click on image to download and view the animation loop.)


1. HES versus the current GOES sounder:

850 hPa Temperature (~15MB)

850 hPa Water vapor (~15MB)

HES temporal resolution is 30 minutes in this simulation. The upper left panel is the atmospheric profiles from MM5 simulation (truth), and the upper right is our HES retrieval product. The lower right panel is current GOES sounder products, and the difference between HES and current GOES sounder is shown on the lower left.  Our HES algorithm can see through thin cloud and more accurately to the truth.

More simulation results on HES versus the current GOES sounder can be viewed at http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/~cyliu/stat_rtvl/IHOP/


2. ABI versus the current GOES imager:

7µm simulation (~36MB)

The left panel is current GOES imager products at 30-min temporal resolution.  The right panel is simulated ABI imager product, which is at 5-min temporal resolution.

Simulation on temporal resolution for the other ABI bands can be viewed at http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/~cyliu/GOES/ABI/