GOES East and Roof Top Camera (RTC) Imagery
Date/Time Range of Animation (UTC): | .goe-s_-ea 09:46:17 — .goe-s_-ea 11:06:17 |
Actual Number of Frames in Animation: | 17 |
Please note: specifying too many frames may cause your browser to freeze.
This is GOES East imagery (and SSEC Roof Top Cameras) in Madison, WI. During daylight hours, CIMSS Natural True Color imagery is shown, whereas during nighttime hours a switch is made to display infrared imagery. These animations are meant for evaluative and educational purposes by SSEC scientists and our collaborators, and are not meant for any other purpose. Note that the light blue circle surrounding Madison delimits a 45 kilometer distance from SSEC. Latest (4-hour duration) mp4 and animated_gif loops. Latest image. These animations are only updated when GOES East scans over Madison, WI, which typically occurs every five minutes.
- How to zoom:
- Click on the zoom button
- Click on the point you wish to zoom in (clicking will both zoom in and recenter the animation at that point)
- When zoomed in, dragging the mouse cursor will roam around the image and not change the zoom level
- To zoom all the way back out, click on the un-zoom button
- How to select another date:
- Click in the End Date/Time box
- Click on a day, or use the arrow keys to select another month
- Click and select the latest time via the pull down menu
- How to change the number of frames shown:
- Click on the view advanced options button
- Change in box the desired number of frames
- Click on the update animation button
- GOES ABI Band information (subset):
- 13 (LWIR) = Longwave IR (10.3 µm)
- More info:
- Images are quite large (1340px x 1000px).
See also:
- Numerous links to other webpages that contain GOES imagery and products:
- GOES-14 SRSOR and Roof Top Camera (RTC) Imagery