A preliminary real-time product (Cloud Top Pressure). This display of the cloud top pressure (CTP) as derived from the GOES-11 Sounder is provided each hour, being similar to displays from the "operational" GOES-8 and GOES-10 Sounders. For more description of the GOES Sounder CTP DPI, see the CTP section of the CIMSS Realtime GOES Page.
Shorter 4-hour animation
Comparison of GOES-11 CTP DPI with GOES-8/10 for last hour
A preliminary real-time product (precipitable water DPI).
This display of the total precipitable water vapor (PW) as
derived from the GOES-11 Sounder is provided each hour, matching the similar
display from the "operational" GOES-8 and GOES-10 Sounders.   For more
description of the GOES Sounder PW DPI as well as longer animations from
GOES-8 and GOES-10, see the
PW section
of the CIMSS Realtime GOES Page (use the back button on your browser to return).
Shorter 4-hour animation
Comparison of GOES-11 PW DPI with GOES-8/10 for last hour
A preliminary real-time product (lifted index). This display of the lifted index (LI) stability as derived from the GOES-11 Sounder is provided each hour, matching the similar display from the "operational" GOES-8 and GOES-10 Sounders. For more description of the GOES Sounder LI DPI as well as longer animations from GOES-8 and GOES-10, see the LI section of the CIMSS Realtime GOES Page.
Shorter 4-hour animation
Comparison of GOES-11 LI DPI with GOES-8/10 for last hour
Multi-Panel Display Of All 19 Channels From The GOES-11 Sounder
Each of the 19 different spectral channels from the GOES-11 Sounder is presented in a multi-panel format. Channel 1 is shown in panel 1, starting in the upper left, with subsequently numbered channels following across rows and then down columns. The domain covers only the central and eastern US as seen from GOES-11 (a map has been added to panel 1). A single color enhancement is applied to all the 18 infrared channels, while the visible (channel 19) is shown in shades of gray. Diurnal (24 hour) animation loops further provide the viewer with the temporal nature of the everchanging atmosphere, enhancing the spatial and spectral characteristics presented in the imagery from any individual time period.
Note that the imagery has been re-mapped to a Mercator projection which permits the exact comparison with a similarly re-mapped set of all channels from the GOES-8 Sounder (for the last available hour). For more detailed information on the GOES Sounder spectral characteristics as well as the current displays of all channels from GOES-8, see the all Sounder bands section of the CIMSS Realtime GOES Page.
Shorter 4-hour animation
Interactive animation of all bands, toggling between GOES-11 and GOES-8