There are 5 bands for one image time (2:33 UTC on 10 March 2006 for those interested in compressing 10-bit
full disk MTSAT-1R Infrared data. Visible data is 6-bit but has been stretched to 8-bit in this image. The band lineup is as follows: Band 01 is visible; Band 02 is the ~11 micron IR
window band (IR1); Band 3 is the 12 micron dirty window band (IR2); Band 4 is the 6.75 micron water vapor
band (IR3); and Band 05 is the 3.75 micron shortwave window band (IR4). The .mat files contain MTSAT
data as a structured array with data=counts and latitude & longitude values in space are saved as NaN.
The netcdf versions of the files have lat/lons in space of an unreasonably high number (don't use
anything over 180 for longitude for instance). Bands are saved individually.
See this About MTSAT and its
system page for more information on the MTSAT.
NOTICE: The images, text, and other information on these web pages
are proprietary information belonging to The Cooperative Institute for
Meteorological Satellite Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
If the informationis of use to you, please give proper credit to CIMSS.
Last Updated: April 15, 2008