CIMSS Proxy ABI Data For Compression StudiesPlease use the links to the left to navigate.These pages describe how select MODIS (MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) data have been reformatted for use in ABI (Advanced Baseline Imager) data compression studies. Most ABI bands can be simulated in this manner. The advantage of using real satellite observations is that the small-scale features are more realistic than calculated from numerical models. Of course the spectral simulations are not exact when just using a MODIS band to simulate the ABI, but most of these bands are spectrally similar. If a more accurate spectral simulation is needed, then Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS), or NPOESS Atmospheric Sounder Testbed-Interferometer (NAST-I), data can be convolved with simulated ABI Spectral Response Functions (SRF).A collection of visible, near-infrared (IR) and IR images based on the high-spatial resolution NASA MODIS hdf_data have been selected for several corresponding ABI bands to support ABI Government Field Test studies. These images include some interesting weather/environmental phenomena, such as:
There are several steps in these ABI simulations:
Not all future ABI bands can be closely represented by MODIS. In fact, we can only really represent two of the three water vapor channels (8,9,10) and not the 10.35 µm (band 13) at all. The following table shows the ABI bands and their proposed central wavelengths along with the MODIS bands chosen to represent them along with their central wavelengths, the resolution of those bands on ABI and the bitdepth simulated for ABI.
ABI Center MODIS Center ABI ABI Band Waveln Band Waveln Res Bitdepth*** No (μm) No (μm) (km) 01 0.47 3 0.47 1 10 02 0.64 1 0.659 0.5 12 03 0.865 2 0.865 1 10 04 1.378 5 1.240 2 10 05** 1.61 6 1.640 1 10 06 2.25 7 2.130 2 10 07 3.9 22 3.96 2 14 08* 6.19 NA NA 2 11 09 6.95 27 6.78 2 11 10 7.34 28 7.34 2 12 11 8.5 29 8.55 2 12 12 9.61 30 9.72 2 11 13* 10.35 NA NA 2 12 14 11.2 31 11.0 2 12 15 12.3 32 12.0 2 12 16 13.3 33 13.4 2 11* These bands don't appear in the data files because MODIS does not have a similar enough band. ![]()
The above tables are from an ABI overview article: Contact the ABI Team if this link does not work or for a manuscript on these datasets: E-Mail Contact Form Schmit, Timothy J.; Gunshor, Mathew M.; Li, Jun and Renkevens, Thomas. Introducing datasets for next generation geostationary imager compression studies. Satellite Data Compression, Communications, and Archiving II, San Diego, CA, 13-14 August 2006. SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA, 2006, Paper 63000P-1. NOTICE: The images, text, and other information on these web pages are proprietary information belonging to The Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. If the informationis of use to you, please give proper credit to CIMSS. Thanks!
Last Updated: January 5, 2006
URL: http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/goes/abi/bitdepthcompression/bitdepthbrompression.html Contact the Page Designer: E-Mail Contact Form |