HIGH SCHOOL 1st Place: Forecasting Rapid Intensification of Hurricanes
by Graham Houghton
Pingry High School, Basking Ridge New Jersey
COACH: Darren Torsone
ABSTRACT: Forecasting of hurricane paths and severity has significantly improved over time, but recent major storms have demonstrated rapid intensification just
prior to making landfall. This sudden increase in severity can be difficult to manage as evacuation orders need to be specific and timely to minimize loss
of life and allow time for property defense and adequate mobilization of emergency response personnel. VIEW THE SCIENTIFIC POSTER (PDF Download) |
Honorable Mention:
Flooding Due to River Ice
by Jordan Boyle, Ava Curole and Landyn Dufrene
Hahnville High School / Boutte, Louisiana
COACH: Cecelia Gillam

MIDDLE SCHOOL 1st PLACE: The Impact of Climate Change on Water Bodies
by Anuj Dasgupta and Aditya Kothari
Franklin Middle School, Chantilly, Virginia and
Eagle Ridge Middle School, Ashburn, Virginia
Mr. Amit Angal
ABSTRACT: The purpose of our research was to find the effects of climate change on water bodies. From this research, we learned that extreme weather, drought, flooding, and the increased severity of storms are all effects of climate change. We researched how Lake Mead has been slowly drying up over the past few decades. Hoover Dam also sits on Lake Mead and provides power to the surrounding areas. If this continues, the Hoover Dam will not be able to create a sufficient amount of hydroelectric power to power nearby towns and cities. VIEW THE SCIENTIFIC POSTER (PDF Download) |
Honorable Mentions:
A Freeze Over the Great Lakes 2020-2021
NOAA-20 & SUOMI-NPP VIIRS Natural Color RGB Useful in Analyzing Tropical Cyclones