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Stories by Margaret Mooney

NOAA-21 sends data to Earth

NOAA’s newest satellite, NOAA-21, has started sending data to Earth with each overpass. The satellite launched 3 months ago as JPSS-2, and was renamed NOAA-21 once in orbit. NOAA-21 joins the Suomi-NPP and NOAA-20 satellites in polar orbit around Earth. CIMSS acquires NOAA-21 views of North America via Direct Broadcast... Read More

Great Lakes Ice Extent

According to NOAA’s Great Lakes Surface Environmental Analysis (GLSEA) the Great Lakes were 11.6% ice covered on February 2nd when an arctic air mass was descending southward over the region. The cold air boosted ice coverage to 14.7% on February 3rd, less than half of the average extent (1973-2022)... Read More