Eastern Great Lakes Surface Temperatures at the beginning of February
A NOAA-20 overpass across the Great Lakes on 2 February showed primarily clear skies over Lake Erie and western Lake Ontario, allowing for computation of ACSPO (Advanced Clear-Sky Processor for Ocean) Sea-Surface Temperatures. (Note that the colorbar has been rescaled from its default so that only values between 32 and 41o F (i.e., 0 and 5o C) are shown). The warmest lake surface temperatures over Lake Erie are around 37.5oF; those over Lake Ontario are around 40.8oF. The image below shows False Color imagery rather than True Color, allowing better identification of snow-covered surfaces over land, and better identification of clouds holding liquid cloud droplets.
VIIRS True- and False-Color imagery and ACSPO SSTs were created using CSPP Software and data from the Direct Broadcast antenna at CIMSS. They are available as AWIPS tiles via LDM, and are also viewable at this website, in RealEarth, and at the VIIRS viewer.