The GOES-R and JPSS Satellite Era




The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite – R Series (GOES-R) is a four-satellite program (GOES-R/S/T/U) with advanced technology that significantly improves the detection and observation of environmental phenomena. These satellites provide advanced imaging with increased spatial resolution and faster coverage for more accurate forecasts, real-time mapping of lightning activity, and improved monitoring of solar activity and space weather.

GOES-R launched in November 2016 and renamed GOES-16 in orbit.

GOES-S launched in March 2018 and renamed GOES-17 in orbit.

GOES-T launched in March 2022 and was renamed GOES-18.

GOES-U launchd in June 2024 and renamed GOES-19 in orbit.


GOES-R Specs:

Weight: 6,170 pounds (2,800 kilograms) - similar to a small school bus!

Size: 5.5 meters

GOES-R Schematic
GOES-R Schematic
courtesy: Lockheed Martin
Tim Schmit
GOES VIDEO (emphasis on GOES-R)
Click on the image to watch an MP4 video