Cooperative Institute for
Meteorological Satellite Studies

AOSS Short Course: GOES-R ABI Preview for Students

Attention AOS Graduate Students! Please join us for a FREE 1-day workshop on the next-generation GOES-R series. This short course will run from 9:30am to 5:30pm on Wednesday, May 18th. We will meet in room 1411 of the AOSS building. Lunch unch will be provided! Limit of 28 spaces - only 12 spaces left!

Find out about the next new satellite, GOES-R, launching in October 2016!

This short course is a unique opportunity for students to interact with leading GOES-R scientists here at UW-Madison. The course will focus on the improved GOES-R Series instruments, primarily the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), but including the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM). The course will highlight the suite of new GOES-R products and their applications for improved environmental observations, forecasts and warnings. These new measurements will offer unprecedented information to study many environmental phenomena. Short-course participants will have the opportunity for hands-on experience with proxy and simulated GOES-R products and data, as well as with real data from Japan’s nearly identical Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) data.

The goal of the course is to make students aware of GOES-R capabilities, demonstrate how GOES-R will impact forecasters, and highlight some of the basic science behind the improvements coming to geostationary orbit. The course format will consist of a balanced mix of presentations and hands-on exercises demonstrating the applications of the new GOES-R products. Agenda (PDF)

Instructors include Jordan Gerth, Mat Gunshor, Scott Lindstrom, Chris Schmidt, Tim Schmit, and Kathy Strabala.