Archive for April, 2007

Flight Status Update….

Monday, April 16th, 2007

Monday’s flight is intended to underfly the 1450 (local) overpass of Aqua in the CART site region (takeoff ~ 1220). Note that we have also added a flight for Tuesday; this is to underfly the 1136 (local) Metop overpass of the CART site region (takeoff ~ 9 AM). (From Allen Larar)

A review of the latest forecast after Sunday’s flight caused the Oklahoma detachment idea to be abandoned (for next week at least). The prospects of unsuitable conditions on Tuesday and Wednesday caused a return to Plan A - an Oklahoma AQUA pass refuel flight on Monday returning to base in Houston in the evening. (From Bob Wells)

Bob Wells FAAM BAE Status report

Sunday, April 15th, 2007

Sunday was much warmer, drier and sunnier than Saturday. Unfortunately it was not really windy enough for the “Houston Plume” flight which was abandoned when little pollution could be detected downwind of the city. (The aircraft had already landed at Ellington Field before any of the ground team realised that all was not well.) However, some useful experience of operating in the area was gained.

Pirouettes on the ground were performed for the Broad Band Radiometers.

The HF radio coverage is poor, especially at low levels, and ATC had advised use of the SATCOM phone, but we were unable to get the phone to work either to or from the aircraft.

The Texan controllers had some problems with the call sign “METMAN”. Mexico is more familiar than meteorology to the Lone Star state and all flights are expected to have a number.

PCASP did not work.

There was a mysterious problem with the communications between the Dry Nephelometer and the laptop which will call into question the reliability of calibration unless it is remedied soon.

The trail of hard caps instead of the hotter, heavier and more clumsy helmets was a great success. Hopefully these can become standard equipment at the earliest opportunity.

A review of the latest forecast after Sunday’s flight caused the Oklahoma detachment idea to be abandoned (for next week at least). The prospects of unsuitable conditions on Tuesday and Wednesday caused a return to Plan A - an Oklahoma AQUA pass refuel flight on Monday returning to base in Houston in the evening.

A Sunday night comms failure at BADC caused delays updating the FAAM web site and uploading data.

Latest Aircraft Status Report

Saturday, April 14th, 2007

14 April 2007

Flight scheduled for tonight is canceled due to undesirable sky conditions expected over the sub-satellite target area. We will have an initial science flight planning meeting Sunday afternoon in preparation for our planned Monday flight; this will be at Southwest Services at 4:30 PM, and is intended to get our thoughts together prior to flight planning with the air crews on Monday AM. Monday’s flight is intended to underfly the 1450 (local) overpass of Aqua in the CART site region (takeoff ~ 1220). Note that we have also added a flight for Tuesday; this is to underfly the 1136 (local) Metop overpass of the CART site region (takeoff ~ 9 AM).

0300 - 0830 UTC 15 April Forecast

Friday, April 13th, 2007

New forecast discussion for first flight opportunity has been posted, BAE is now in Houston.

Forecast Discussion for 0300 - 830 UTC 15 April 2007 N. GOM

Friday, April 13th, 2007

The major weather story is the strong low pressure system in the Southern US and trailing cold front extending through north central GOM.  Strong subsidence will occur in the wake of the cold frontal passage, however the frontal system will be in the area of flight interest during the target time/location domain.  Here is the 42 Hour 700 mb RH and precipitation NAM forecast valid for 6 UTC 15 April (from 12 UTC 13 April run…)


The situation will have to be monitored tomorrow (Saturday)……

Aircraft Ferry Flight Status

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

BAE and WB-57 are scheduled to arrive today in Houston

Preliminary Forecast for Saturday evening flight

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

Target area is Northern Gulf of Mexico:

This potential flight opportunity will have to be monitored very carefully for possible extensive cloudiness in N. GOM.

Current 84 hour NAM NWP model run (Valid 00 UTC 15 April 2007) indicate a storm system moving through this area.

84HR NAM valid 00 UTC 15 April 200784HR NAM 700mb RH valid 00 UTC 15 April 2007

The speed of the system may change as potential flight period is approached.  Will update again on Friday 13 April.

Latest News

Tuesday, April 10th, 2007

First Forecast Discussion has been posted within “Forecast Discussion” Category. Fred Best/Dan Deslover have departed for Houston to begin S-HIS/NAST-I preparation work.