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GOES-R PG: AVHRR Imagery and Products in D-2D

AVHRR Imagery and Products in D-2D

Instructions for AWIPS Installation

Space Science and Engineering Center
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Released July 2, 2010
Version 1.0 (July 2, 2010)

Project members:  Scott Bachmeier, Jordan Gerth, Scott Lindstrom


This data is provided as part of the GOES-R Proving Ground. For assistance and suggestions on obtaining and using the data, please contact Jordan Gerth.

This data has been undergoing evaluation at the National Weather Service in Milwaukee/Sullivan since 2010.

In addition to AWIPS, this data and a short archive is also available online:

Acquiring Data at a NWSFO

This page contains information for obtaining data from the NOAA satellites equipped with a Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) for display in AWIPS.

For AVHRR imagery (CGINI)

Data is currently available to Weather Forecast Offices in all regions. Check with scientific services at your regional headquarters to see if the feed is available to you. Contact Jordan Gerth for more information.

Data is transmitted in compressed GINI (CGINI) format on the EXP feed of the Local Data Manager (LDM). This data is nearly identical in format to the NOAA polar orbiter AVHRR imagery that was approved for transmission via NOAAPORT in a 2006 Technical Implementation Notice (TIN). We have been careful to work with NESDIS to produce this imagery in a similar routine to how it would have been created prior to broadcast over NOAAPORT. NOAA was unable to deliver this data due to bandwidth constraints on the ground. Because the delivery method (via LDM) is different than proposed in the TIN, this is not an operational dataset, so unplanned data errors and outages may result. Contact Jordan Gerth once you are receiving data so we can add your office to the e-mail announcement list. We value any feedback.

The LDM feed of the CGINI data from CIMSS/SSEC contains additional data from NOAA-15 and NOAA-19 not referenced in the TIN. Thus, data will be more frequent than stated in the TIN.

The Space Science and Engineering Center is not continuously staffed. Consequently, data outages and processing issues may result. This imagery should be considered non-operational.

For AVHRR products

Data is currently available to Weather Forecast Offices in Central Region, Eastern Region, Southern Region, Western Region, and Alaska Region. We are unable to supply this to Pacific Region WFOs at this time. Data is transmitted in compressed netCDF format on the EXP feed of the Local Data Manager (LDM). This is not an operational dataset, so unplanned data errors and outages may result. Contact Jordan Gerth once you are receiving data so we can add your office to the e-mail announcement list. We value any feedback.

The Space Science and Engineering Center is not continuously staffed. Consequently, data outages and processing issues may result. The products should be considered non-operational.

Required LDAD/Processing Configurations

Perform the following actions to configure your Local Data Acquisition and Dissemination (LDAD) server.

In /data/fxa/LDAD/data as user ldad on server px2:

In /awips/ldad/bin as ldad on px2:

In /usr/local/ldm/etc as ldm on ls2:

A zip file of these is available.

If all you wish to display is CGINI data (Visible, IR Window, Shortwave IR, and Fog), you are finished.

The remaining steps in this section are only necessary to obtain the AVHRR products.

As ldad on ls2:

In /usr/local/ldm/etc as ldm on ls2:

Caution: The LDAD is not used to process AVHRR files; there is no preprocess script and subsequently there is no entry in the LDADinfo.txt file. However, the LDAD is used to process CGINI files.

The AVHRR files are filed in their LDM state (compressed) on ls1, but moved to px1 for processing and filing. This is done by setting and running a cron task at least once hourly, which will be done in the following steps. It is important to assure this cron task exists and is executing properly or AVHRR products may quickly overwhelm ls1. The process script writes to a file in the log directory /data/logs/fxa.

As fxa on px1:

As root on px1:

As root on px2:

Your operations should roughly follow this outline.

su - fxa
cd /data/local/localapps			# Choose the directory you wish
mkdir AVHRR
mv /tmp/processAVHRR.pl.gz AVHRR
cd MODIS					# Move to that directory
gunzip processAVHRR.pl.gz
chmod 775 processAVHRR.pl
su - root
vi /etc/cron.d/SITEpx1cron			# Make cron change in two files
vi /etc/ha.d/cron.d/SITEpx1cron			# After the first file complete
ssh px2 vi /etc/ha.d/cron.d/SITEpx1cron		# In case px1 fails
<Page Up>					# vi command to move to bottom of file
a						# vi command to append
<Enter>						# vi command to add blank line
# Process AVHRR products from CIMSS/SSEC
5,20,35,50 * * * * fxa csh -c '/data/local/localapps/AVHRR/processAVHRR.pl >& /dev/null'
<Esc>						# vi command to stop append mode
:wq!						# vi command to write and quit

A zip file of these is available.

Required AWIPS Customizations

Perform the following actions to configure your Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) workstations/servers.

The display for AVHRR imagery has already been implemented in AWIPS. No extra work is required. Check the satellite menu.

The steps in this section are only necessary to display the CONUS AVHRR products.

Based on instructions.txt, use the two Perl scripts included with color table manipulation package manage-ct.tgz to extract the color tables from the included AvhrrColors.nc file and add into /data/fxa/workFiles/customColorMaps.nc. You may wish to use a subset of these color tables as the default enhancement for the AVHRR products which will be added via localDepictKeys.txt below.

In $FXA_CUSTOM_FILES as fxa (should be mounted on any workstation/server):

A zip file of these is available.

When complete with the changes, run '$FXA_LOCALIZATION_SCRIPTS/mainScript.csh f -tables -dataSups -dirs' on dx3 and dx4, create a directory /data/fxa/sat/SBN/netCDF/LOCAL/AVHRR/temp as fxa with write permissions, then execute '$FXA_LOCALIZATION_SCRIPTS/mainScript.csh f -tables -dataSups' on all lx and na workstations. If you experience a problem displaying the data, you may also need to run each of the mainScript.csh commands with the "-clipSups" argument.

As fxa on dx1 and dx2, perform a '-tables -purge' localization. On dx1, restart the purgeProcess.

As fxa on dx1, restart the notificationServer to complete.

Restart D-2D on the lx/na workstations to access the new products from the satellite menu (or custom menu if dataMenus.txt modified).

Optional — You can have GUARDIAN send an announcement when a new pass has arrived with these instructions.

Known Pitfalls

If problems arise — You may need to run dos2unix on some scripts and files.

Learn More

Last updated July 2, 2010