"What's this" images
Please note that all the applets on these pages use HTML5 and require an up-to-date browser!
These are also "touch-friendly" and should run on mobile devices.

UW-Madison logo CIMSS logo SSEC logo

ID 1
ID 2
ID 3
ID 4
ID 5
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ID 7
ID 8
ID 9
ID 10
ID 11
ID 12

  These examples help demonstrate connections between improved spatial resolution and image clarity.

Other Sites
Many weather related Webapps
GOES-R web page
Other Rapid Scan imagery from GOES-14

CIMSS Satellite blog from GOES-14

   Unless otherwise noted, all these applets are Copyright© 2014 by Tom Whittaker at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Many animations provided by Tim Schmit, NOAA NESDIS.