GOES-R Teacher Workshop at Kennedy Space Center November 2016

NOAA's GOES-R Program supported a workshop for G6-12 teachers in November 2016 prior to the historic GOES-R launch.

Friday November 18th & Saturday November 19th  
Cape Canaveral Florida

Launch is scheduled for November 19, 2016 at 5:42 pm EST

Friday November 18th – Courtyard Marriott Cocoa Beach – Saturn Room
8:30 am - Welcome & Introductions: Margaret Mooney
8:45 - Satellite 101 & GOES-R overview: Tim Schmit
9:30 - GOES-R webapps & activities: Mat Gunshor & Margaret Mooney
10:00 - ABI related Lesson Plans from Wisconsin : Brian Witthun & Craig Phillips
10:30 – Break
10:45 - GOES-R STEM Lesson Plans from New Jersey: Vicki Gorman
11:15 - GLM Lesson Plans: from Florida: Amy Monahan & Charlotte Besse
11:45  - Lunch (provided)
12:30 - GOES-R GLOBE Project: John Moore
12:50 - GOES-R resources from COMET: Marianne Weingroff
1:10 -  GOES-R resources from NOAA, NASA & CIMSS: Margaret Mooney
1:30 – Classroom Implementation Discussion: Break into Groups
2:00  – Break
2:10 - Report Out & Further Discussion
2:30  - Wrap Up & Evaluations
2:45 - Depart for KSC  Visitor Complex (optional)
4:00 – GOES-R Briefing at KSC Visitor Complex (also available Saturday morning)

Saturday November 19th – Kennedy Space Center
Bring your Limited Admission ticket from the NOAA/NASA Guest Center (located at ATX Center, 6225 Vectorspace Boulevard, Titusville, FL) to explore KSC between 9am and 1pm, lunch is on your own. Our group will try to rendezvous at the NOAA Science On a Sphere (SOS) @ 1:30pm.

Bus Boarding and Launch Viewing - Prior to boarding a bus, you must have checked in at the NOAA/NASA Guest Center, open from 8am to noon on the 19th. Upon boarding, you will be asked to present the access pass provided at check-in.
2:30 - 4:45 p.m.                  Guest bus boarding for guests going to viewing site
3:00 - 5:00 p.m.                  Guests arrive at viewing site
~5:42 p.m. EST                  Launch of GOES-R!

Download this PDF of the workshop agenda

View a photo collage from the workshop.

Learn more about the GOES-R Satellite Series

Learn more about The GOES-R Education Proving Ground