Satellite Activities to explore the effects that time and spatial resolutions can have when interpreting satellite images
Please note that all the applets on these pages use HTML5 and require an up-to-date browser!
These are also "touch-friendly" and should run on mobile devices.

UW-Madison logo CIMSS logo SSEC logo

Hurricane (visible)
Convection (infrared)
Fires (shortwave window)
Convection (visible)
Cirrus (visible)
Fog (visible)
Mountain Waves (water vapor)
Pyrocumulus (visible)
Smoke (visible)

  These cases each allow one to change the temporal spacing as well as the spatial resoultion for a series of satellite images.

Other Sites
Many weather related applets
GOES-R web page
Other Rapid Scan imagery from GOES-14

CIMSS Satellite blog from GOES-14

   Unless otherwise noted, all these applets are Copyright© 2014 by Tom Whittaker at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Many animations provided by Tim Schmit, NOAA NESDIS.