2020 JPSS VSF Top Projects
GOES-16/17 Virtual Science Fair – 2020 1st Place Projects
HIGH SCHOOL 1st Place: Weather Impacting COVID-19 – Management Strategies
Hannah Mayer, 9th grade – Mission Viejo High School, Mission Viejo, California
COACH: Peg Kozick-Kingston
Tornadoes have always plagued the Midwest. With the recent pandemic, the damage they inflict adds another element to managing COVID-19 infections. I chose this topic because it is interesting to me and can be applied to other weather conditions, such as the Santa Ana winds we experience in Southern California. My goal was to research the Midwest’s response to tornado season and find out how they adapted their management strategies to coincide with the pandemic. I used GOES-17 to learn more about storms and tornadoes and how the satellite images are used to warn people of severe weather. I discovered some management strategies that had to be implemented due to tornadoes. These include the allowance of public shelters, relaxation of social distancing during a weather crisis, and other necessary changes that still maintain an awareness of the virus. To conclude, tornadoes have had an impact on management strategies relating to COVID-19 in the Midwest, especially April through June, when tornadoes primarily occur there.
MIDDLE SCHOOL 1st Place: Does Barometric Pressure have a Correlation with Cloud Composition and Quantity?
Raechel Nelson, American Fork Junior High School, American Fork, Utah
COACH: Jenae Nelson
Over the time span of 5 days, at 3:30 and 7:30 P.M ., barometric pressuce data from the National Weather Service was collected, and GOES 17 data from NOAA Star Nesdis AB1 Bands 2, 4, and 6 were collected. This was in order to answer the follow research Question: “Does Barometric Pressure have a Correlation with the Composition and Quantity of Clouds?” ABI (Advanced Baseline Imagery) is one of the most important instruments on the GOES 17 satellite. It has 16 different spectral bands and as stated earlier, bands 2, 4, and 6 were used. ABI spectral band 2, nicknamed the ‘Red Band’ has a central wavelength of 0.64 µm. Its primary application is to track and analyze weather systems and especially clouds during the day. Band 4, nicknamed the ‘cirrus Band’ has a central wavelength of 1.38 µm. Its primary application is to detect high and very thin clouds, particularly cirrus. And finally, band 6, the ‘Cloud Particle band has a central wavelength of 2.24 µm. This band has a primary application or inputting products such as cloud phase. I found that there IS a correlation between barometric pressure and cloud composition and quantity.