GOES Virtual Science Fair
The GOES Virtual Science Fair (VSF) will be accepting projects from October to April. Students can participate and submit individual projects from home or in small teams with classmates. The main requirement is using data from GOES-East or GOES-West to investigate weather and natural hazards. There will be three winning teams OR individuals: middle school, high school or grades 13/14 (community college or university).
Students from the winning teams will receive $25 gift cards, plus valuable research experience toward college or future careers.
Guidelines and requirements:
1) Watch this 6-minute video on Weather Satellites
2) Learn about GOES-R via this short GOES-R Series Satellites module.
3) Submit a project to the Virtual Science Fair using data from GOES-East or GOES-West!
Here are three ideas, but feel free to pursue any weather or climate topic that interests you:
- Forecast/hypothesize the near-term weather (start by checking the National Weather Service forecast) then analyze what evolves in real-time using multiple ABI bands (two or more). Create a poster describing the event then present via a short 2-5 minute video.
- Pick a case from the CIMSS Satellite Blog that includes multiple ABI bands (2 or more), make a poster describing the case in your own words using the images in the blog then present the case via a short 2-5 minute video.
- Make a hypothesis about a natural hazard then analyze it with multiple ABI bands (two or more). Create a poster describing the event then present via a short 2-5 minute video.
Please plan on submitting your project by May 3rd, 2024.
NOTE TO TEACHERS: – While we encourage you to assign this activity to your entire classroom, please conduct an in-house review and only submit the top three projects to the VSF.
STUDENTS: Feel free to enter whether this is an assignment or not! Enter as a team with your classmates or submit your own project. Any adult can serve as a coach – if you know a meteorologist consider asking them to help with your project.
ALL entries must include:
Poster: Create a scientific poster complete with representative GOES imagery (2 or more images) uploaded as a PDF or PPT slide, here’s a template. IncludeGOES imagery or GLM data as part of your project.
High School entries, and grades 13/14, must include:
Short Video Presentation: Provide a link to an uploaded video (YouTube, Vimeo, etc) or share a narrated Power Point in a Google folder. Students should describe the poster in a short (3-5 minutes) video, similar to a poster session at a professional conference.
OPTIONAL but nice for us: A full resolution photo of the student(s).
GRADES 9-14 Submission Link
Top Projects
- 2024 JPSS VSF Top Projects
- 2022 / 2023 JPSS VSF Top Projects
- 2021 JPSS VSF Top Projects
- 2020 JPSS VSF Top Projects
- 2019 JPSS VSF Top Projects
- PPT Template
- ABI Bands Quick Information Guides
- Scoring Rubic (helpful guide when making your poster)
- FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions related to this science fair