GOES-8 Sounder -- All 19 Channels
06 April 1998 (07:46 UTC) - 07 April 1998 (07:46 UTC)
(this 23-image Java animation sequence will take a minute or two to load...)
This loop shows all 19 channels from the GOES-8 Sounder, at hourly intervals from 07:46 UTC on 06 April to 07:46 UTC on 07 April 1998.
- The visible channel (Channel 19) -- although in color -- does easily provide the night-day flag.
- Channels 1 and 2 show thermal gradient reversal at the tropopause.
- Only the highest clouds are evident in Channel 3; more cloud appears as one goes to the lower sensing channels (4,5,6...).
- Channels 3, 12, and 15 are all seen at about the same "altitude" (similar color range) but in different spectral regions (or "absorption bands"): Longwave CO2, Midwave H2O, Shortwave CO2.
- Relative transparency is evident across (window) Channels 6, 7, 8, 17, and 18.
- Channel 9 (ozone) is similar but different from Channel 10. Channel 12 looks much cleaner than "sibling" Channels 3 and 15; Channel 11
is even sharper looking.
- Over a long enough period (2 days), the large scale deep tropospheric thermal pattern (the "ridging" evident in Channels 3-5) can be seen to be slowly moving eastward.
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