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How Light (Electromagnetic Radiation) enables satellites to produce images

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Beginning of Module

Created by UW-Madison, 2002
Remote sensing instruments on satellites seek to accurately measure electromagnetic energy radiating from the earth and atmosphere. And everything emits electromagnetic radiation. More specifically, all objects with a temperature above absolute zero emit radiation. Because radiation can transport energy even without a medium, it is the only way in which the earth interacts with the rest of the universe. In fact, electromagnetic radiation ultimately determines the earth’s climate, since in the long term the planet must shed as much energy as it absorbs. Electromagnetic radiation is the very basis for remote sensing technology. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of remote sensing technology requires a deeper understanding of electromagnetic radiation (light) and the electromagnetic spectrum.

In this module we'll review the basics of the the electromagnetic spectrum and make the connection between radiation theory and the images we get from weather satellites.

More specifically, you will learn about: