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Cloud Identification


Beginning of Module

Created by UW-Madison, 2002
Get ready to do a virtual shift, a fun way to use computer software to look at the same cloud from below and above. But first, let's review some common cloud classifications. Clouds are given Latin names corresponding to their appearance and height. Meteorologists further differentiate clouds according to whether they are producing precipitation or not. Naturally these same features make a big difference as to how a satellite “sees” a cloud. Knowing just a little about how a cloud is formed and the likely particle composition in a cloud can translate into a lot of information gleaned from common satellite images.
Cloud Type: Layered Cloud Convective Cloud Mixed/Neither Typical Altitudes
High: Cirrostratus Cirrocumulus Cirrus 20,000 - 40,000 feet
(6-12 kilometers)
Mid-level: Altostratus Altocumulus   6500 - 20,000 feet
(2-6 kilometers)
Low: Stratus Cumulus Stratocumulus 100 - 6500 feet
(bases below 2 km)
Precipitating: Nimbostratus     100 - 6,500 feet
(bases below 2 km)
  100 - 50,500 feet
(0.1-15 kilometers)

In this module, you will learn:

  • Ten common cloud types and how they are formed
  • How to identify different cloud types on satellite images