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Answers to the EMS Assessment Questions

Satellite Meteorology

Created by UW-Madison, 2002

1) How can moving a car up or back a few meters make a difference to radio reception?
Quite often when there is interference on a car radio it is because the antenna is sitting at the trough of a radio wave and moving the car ½ a wavelength can increase the signal strength.

2) Arrange the following order of increasing energy:
Visible radiation, Gamma Rays, X-Rays, Radio waves.
Radio, Visible, X-rays, Gamma-rays

3) Radiation theory starts with the fundamental law that…
all objects with a temperature above absolute zero emit radiation.

4) What is Kirchhoff’s Law?
Kirchhoff’s Law states that a good absorber of radiation is also a good emitter of radiation at that same wavelength.

5) Name the 3 main spectral channels (and wavelenths) that satellite radiometers report data from:
visible light (0.6 microns)
infrared (10 to 12 microns)
water vapor channel (6.9 microns)

6) Radiant Energy is conserved when it passes through the atmosphere but it can change form. What are the three main physical processes that take place when radiant energy interacts with an object:
Radiation can either be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted.

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