Level 2 v2.0 release
MODIS Level 2 software has been updated and completely
repackaged to run as a series of executables called from one script. It should be noted that the original IMAPP MODIS L1B files cannot
be used with the automated scripts for this release. You must use the
SeaDAS modisl1db
output HDF L1B direct broadcast files or the DAAC HDF MODIS L1B files as
The list of changes include:
- Binaries are now distributed which support most linux platforms. Source
code is also still distributed.
- One script now runs all of the algorithms in line. This
includes flatfile extractions, ancillary data identification and
fetching, cloud mask (MOD35), cloud top properties and cloud phase
(MOD06CT), atmospheric profiles (MOD07), aerosols (MOD04), sea
surface temperatures and near-infrared water vapor software packages.
- All algorithms have been updated to Collect 5 (with the exception
of the MOD06 (Cloud Top Properties) which runs 5.2 operationally.)
- Environmental variables are set prior to code execution which
point to code source, code binaries and shell scripts.
- Ancillary data is acquired automatically. The required
data for each product can be automatically determined and downloaded
from the IMAPP ancillary data
ftp site. A new detailed document describing the IMAPP
dynamic ancillary data is distributed with this new release.
- User can choose either binary, HDF or both types
of output formats.
- All IDL software required to convert from binary to HDF has been
- Software to automatically create quick look product images, which
is based on McIDAS-Lite, is
included with this release, however this software cannot be redistributed
or repackaged without authorization from SSEC (please contact
the McIDAS Help Desk)
. Sample product images that were created
by this imaging software using the automated script included with
the release can be viewed from this ftp site.
- Users are now required to fill out a simple registration form
prior to downloading the IMAPP software. A download web page will
appear after registration has been completed.
By repackaging the MODIS Level 2 product software, we
hope to remove the confusion that existed over the numerous individual packages
that were previously released, some of which were dependent on each other. It
is our hope that you will find this package much easier to install and use. Many
thanks to the SeaDAS team
and to DRL for their help
and influence.