Appliance v3.0 release
3 November 2017
The IMAPP Virtual Appliance is a complete processing system for MODIS, AIRS and AMSU data
acquired by direct broadcast from the Terra and Aqua spacecraft. It is
implemented in the form of a VMware virtual machine that is easy to install
and run on platforms including
- Microsoft Windows 64-bit (10, 7, Vista, XP),
- Intel Linux (Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, etc.; 2.6 kernel or higher),
- Apple OS X (10.6 or higher).
The minimum requirements to run the IMAPP Virtual Appliance are:
(1) VMware Player (a free download for Windows and Linux), or VMware Fusion for OS X,
(2) 2 CPUs, 8 GB of RAM, and a minimum of 100GB of disk space.
Please note: With the inclusion of updated software and coefficient files, the size of the VM is now about 8.5 GB.
New Features in Version 3.0
- For ease of installation we are providing the Virtual Appliance as a .zip file for Windows, a .dmg file for Mac and a .tgz file for Linux.
- MODIS Level 1 processing software through NASA Ocean Biology Processing SeaDAS version 7.4.
- MODIS Atmosphere processing software updated to Patched IMAPP MODIS Level 2 Version 3.1.1 (NASA Collect 6 software).
- MODIS Ocean processing software updated to NASA Ocean Biology Processing SeaDAS SeaDAS version 7-latest.
- Added support for Aqua AIRS/AMSU Level 1B (JPL) and Level 2-3x3 FOV (JPL) and single FOV (Wisconsin) retrievals.
- Linux version is updated to Lubuntu 16.04.2 Desktop LTS (64-bit).
Features of the IMAPP Virtual Appliance
- Can be installed, configured, and be ready to start processing data within 30 minutes of completing download.
- Designed to be easy to modify, maintain, and upgrade.
- Preconfigured with MODIS Level 1 and IMAPP Atmosphere software installed and ready to run.
- Other DB processing packages can be added (or removed) by editing one configuration file, and then running an installer script.
- Highly reliable and fault tolerant, and is fast and efficient on modest computer hardware.
- Supports automated ingest and processing of Level-0 PDS files from a local directory or a remote anonymous FTP site.
- Implemented entirely in bash scripts (<3000 lines). All bash scripts are extensively commented, and are designed to make it easy to add your own local DB processing software.
- Uses only freely available software, and is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL.
Supported Products and
Processing Software
MODIS Level 1B Products (created by MODISL1DB from the NASA Ocean
Biology Processing Group)
- Level 0 quicklook images (visible and infrared, in sensor
projection) in JPEG format
- Level 1B 1KM, HKM, and QKM radiances and Geolocation
- Destriping corrections for MODIS Level 1B 1KM radiances
MODIS Collect 6 Atmosphere Level 2 Products (created by IMAPP from the University
of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Cloud Mask
- Cloud Top Pressure
- Cloud Optical Depth and Effective Radius
- Aerosol Optical Depth (at 3 km and 10 km resolutions)
- Temperature and Water Vapor Profiles
- Total Column Precipitable Water Vapor (Infrared, Day/Night)
- Total Column Ozone
- Total Column Precipitable Water Vapor (Near-Infrared, Day
- Level 2 browse images for all Atmosphere Products
MODIS Land Products (created by Land Algorithms from the NASA Direct
Readout Laboratory)
- Corrected Reflectance 1KM, HKM, QKM
- Fire Detection
- Land Surface Temperature (LST)
- Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)
- Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI)
- Land Surface Reflectance
MODIS Ocean Products (created by SeaDAS from the NASA Ocean Biology
Processing Group)
- Chlorophyll-A Concentration
- Sea Surface Temperature (SST)
MODIS Images (created by HDFLook from Univ. of Lille) in GeoTIFF and
JPEG format
- Level 1B browse images (visible, infrared, true color)
- Level 2 Land browse images (NDVI, LST)
- MODIS Level 2 Ocean browse images (Chlorophyll-A, SST)
MODIS Google Earth KML (created by DBGE from the Univ. of
- 250 meter resolution true color JPEG images and KML
AIRS Level 1 and Level 2 (created by AIRS IMAPP from NASA JPL)
- Level 1B data (including AIRS IR, AIRS VIS, and AMSU)
- Level 2 AIRS/AMSU retrievals of temperature and moisture at 3x3 FOV resolution
AIRS Level 2 (created by UW Madison HSRTV Science Software)
- Level 2 AIRS retrievals of temperature and moisture at 1x1 FOV resolution