International MODIS/AIRS Processing Package

 IMAPP MODIS Air Quality Forecast Software Package version 1.0 release     5 June 2012
     IDEA-I: Infusing satellite Data into Environmental Applications - International

   First release of a globally configurable (user defines the domain) software package that uses either Terra or Aqua MODIS MOD04 Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) retrievals to identify local regions of high aerosol loading from which trajectories are initialized. A trajectory model is then run which provides a forecast of the horizontal and vertical movement of the aerosols over the next 48 hours. The package includes both a netCDF output product as well as hourly trajectory forecast images, which can be viewed from a web browser using PHP software that is also included.

  • CentOS5 32-bit and 64-bit and compatible systems running Linux 2.6 kernels or later, including Perl 5.6 or later.
  • A reliable and efficient internet connection to download the required ancillary data consisting of Global Forecast System (GFS) numerical weather prediction files. The downloads are done automatically as part of the IDEA-I execution.
  • MODIS aerosol optical depth files (MOD04) files in either IMAPP or NASA GSFC naming conventions (a1 or t1*.mod04.hdf or MYD04 or MOD04_L2*.hdf). The direct broadcast IMAPP MODIS Level 2 package includes the software to create these products.
  • MODIS cloud top properties product files in either IMAPP or NASA GSFC naming conventions (a1 or t1*.mod06ct.hdf or MYD06 or MOD06_L2*.hdf). The direct broadcast IMAPP MODIS Level 2 package includes the software to create these products.
  • To view your IDEA-I website and animations from a web browser, a web server must be running on your computer. An example IDEA-I web implementation over the USA can be viewed at:
  • Execution time varies, but on a modestly configured modern desktop computer, and for a typical direct-broadcast capture domain, execution time is about 45 minutes. Of this about 5 minutes is for data download and the beginning of the task and about 5 minutes is for generating web graphics at the end of the task.
  • Memory requirements are modest by modern standards - we have successfully tested on a netbook computer with 1GB RAM.
Complete installation and run instructions are included with the release. The IDEA-I software package was developed from the original IDEA package used by United States Air Quality forecasters. For more information on the development and use of IDEA, please see:

  • Al-Saadi, J. A. et al., 2005: Improving National Air Quality Forecasts with Satellite Aerosol Observations, BAMS, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-86-9-1249.