High-Resolution Interferometer Sounder (HIS)

UWITRA90 Dataset

The UWITRA90 dataset was the first release (1990) of high spectral resolution emission data from the University of Wisconsin - Madison (UW-Madison) to the ITRA working group of the Internation Radiation Commission.

This page provides links to the documentation and graphic images of the data files that make up the dataset. A zip file containing the ASCII plain text dataset is referenced below.


Infrared Observations:

Atmospheric State Parameters:

Zip File Containing the Dataset:

Acknowledgements: Thanks go to NOAA for support of the preparation of the UWITRA90 dataset in 1990. In addition, thanks go to NOAA/NASA for support of the development of the HIS instrument.

revised 8/2/96. Questions? Please contact me at "robert.knuteson@ssec.wisc.edu".

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