Improved Measurements and Products Activities Plan
The GIMPAP program at the UW-Madison/CIMSS conducts innovative research to find new ways to utilize the current GOES imager and sounder observations to improve forecasts of severe weather and improve out understanding of environmental systems. One major thrust of this work is to improve our understanding and prediction of hurricanes, where GOES data is a crucial component. Another research project uses GOES to detect large fires throughout the western hemisphere. This study helps improve forecasts of the transport of aerosols and other contaminants, an environmental hazard to public health. This research project also continues a long-term record of biomass burning to assess its’ impact on issues such as deforestation and climate change. Newer initiatives for early detection of developing thunderstorms and volcanic ash show great promise. Current GIMPAP projects and the task leader(s) at CIMSS include:
- Development of GOES Single Field of View (SFOV) cloudy sounding product - Jun Li, Tim Schmit
- GOES Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMV) Research - Chris Velden
- GOES Tropical Cyclone Applications Research - Chris Velden
- Analysis and Application of GOES IR Imagery Toward Improving Hurricane Intensity Change Prediction - Jim Kossin
- Intercalibration - Mat Gunshor, Tim Schmit
- Global Geostationary Fire Monitoring and Applications - Chris Schmidt
- Automated Volcanic Ash Detection and Volcanic Cloud Height and Mass Loading Retrievals from the GOES Imager - Mike Pavolonis, Justin Sieglaff
- Improvement and Validation of Convective Initiation and Mesoscale Wind Applications - Wayne Feltz, Kris Bedka
- Using GOES Imager Cloud Products to Study Convective Storm Evolution - Andy Heidinger, Justin Sieglaff
- Using AWIPS to expand use of GOES imager and sounder products in National Weather Service Forecast Offices - Scott Bachmeier, Gary Wade
See also: GIMPAP Reports