Intercalibration at CIMSS
Intercalibrating of Geostartionary and Polar Orbiting Instruments
We don't make the satellite products you use.
We make the satellite products you use better.
Intercalibration of the polar orbiting and geostationary satellite systems is necessary to achieve consistency of data sets involving more than one sensor. The community of satellite operators needs to intercalibrate their current sensors to reduce the calibration uncertainty and maximize calibration uniformity. This web page presents the approach developed at the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) for calibrating the geostationary satellites with a polar orbiting satellite using temporally and spatially collocated measurements in the infrared channels.
Data is being collected and processed on a daily basis. This web page is normally updated daily with new results.
What's New?
- 25 Jan 2007 - METEOSAT-5 replaced by METEOSAT-7 over the Indian Ocean at 57E
- 21 Dec 2006 - GOES-10 relocated to 60W and reactivated for southern hemisphere service
- 21 Jun 2006 - GOES-10 replaced by GOES-11 as operational GOES West
- 07 Mar 2006 - Various updates including MET-8 and timeseries plots of all GEOs together
- 22 Aug 2005 - Now using AVN instead of NOGAPS
- 22 May 2003 - GMS-5 replaced by GOES-9
- 01 Apr 2003 - GOES-8 replaced by GOES-12
- 07 Oct 2002 - NOAA-14 AVHRR data no longer broadcast
- 19 Oct 2001 - NOAA-14 AVHRR data are no longer consistent (2001292)
NOTICE: The images, text, and other information on these web pages are proprietary information belonging to The Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. If the informationis of use to you, please give proper credit to CIMSS. Thanks!
Last Updated: February 09, 2007
URL: http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/goes/intercal/ Contact the Intercalibration Team: E-Mail Contact Form