Agenda, Resources & Photo Gallery
Tuesday July 20th
8:30 - NOAA Climate Stewards Meeting
Peg Steffan, NOAA NOS
Jim Brey, AMS Education
Noon - Lunch
1:30 - Welcome, Teacher Workshop Overview & Introductions
Margaret Mooney, ESIP Education Chair
1:40 - ESIP Overview
Brian Rogan, Foundation for Earth Science
2:00 - NOAA NWS Education Products and Services
Ron Gird, NWS
3:00 - Break
3:30 - Climate Literacy Ambassadors
Steve Ackerman and Margaret Mooney, CIMSS/UW-Madison
5:30 - Adjourn
Wednesday July 21st
MORNING - ESIP Plenary - Conference Theme: Energy and Climate
Realizing Information Potentials to Help Get Climate Change Responses Right
Tom Wilbanks,ORNL
10:00 - Break
10:30 - NOAA's Climate Service: Science Serving Society
Eileen Shea, NCDC
11:00 - Data Quality and Earth Science Data: A Discussion
Greg Leptoukh and Frank Lindsay, NASA
12:00 - Lunch
1:15 - NASA Earth Observatory
Kevin Ward, NASA
NOAA Climate Portal & Climate Watch Magazine
LuAnn Dahlman, NOAA's Climate Office
2:45 - Break
3:15 - DOE/ORNL Educators Resources
Linda Holmes, Oak Ridge Associated Universities
4:00 EPA Resources for Educators
Ethan McMahon & Lee Pera, EPA
5:00 - Poster Session and Reception
Thursday July 22nd
8:30 - Two concurrent sessions
Sampling the Sea
Bruce Caron and Becky Reid, UCSB
Discovering Earth Science Data & Services Using NASA's Global Change Master Directory (GCMD): The Value for Earth Science Teachers
Tyler Stevens, NASA GCMD
10:00 - Break
10:30 - Two concurrent sessions
Digital Earth Watch & Picture Post - Using Cameras for Environmental Monitoring
John Pickle & Annette Schloss
NEO - NASA Earth Observations
Kevin Ward, NASA
Noon - Lunch
1:30 - Shar-a-thon, evaluations, wrap-up
3:00 - Adjourn |