Community Satellite Processing Package

University of Wisconsin-Madison CrIS, AIRS and IASI Hyperspectral Retrieval Software Version 1.2 Release

24 September 2013

     Update to the hyperspectral sounding software that retrieves vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature and moisture, as well as cloud and surface properties from these hyperspectral instruments:
  • Suomi NPP Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS),
  • Aqua Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS), and
  • MetOP Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI).
Changes to the package include:
  • New coefficients are provided for all instruments (AIRS, IASI, CrIS).
  • A bug involving surface emissivity over oceans has been fixed.
  • A new surface emissivity eigenvector file (/static_ancillary/EmisEV*.dat) is available. There are now two files (land, ocean) per instrument. The main script "run_HSRTV.scr" has been modified accordingly.
  • Minor changes have been made to the source code.
See the CSPP_UW_HSRTV/doc/Software_history.txt file for more information.

The dual-regression retrieval algorithm was developed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center for use with ultraspectral instruments. The software uses input native format files and produces HDF5 output files containing these arrays at single field-of-view resolution:

  • atmospheric temperature [K] at 101 pressure levels
  • atmospheric moisture [g/kg] at 101 pressure levels
  • atmospheric ozone [ppmv] at 101 pressure levels
  • atmospheric relative humidity [%] at 101 pressure levels
  • atmospheric dew point temperature [K] at 101 pressure levels
  • surface skin temperature [K]
  • surface emissivity at instrument spectral resolution [cm-1] (under clear conditions only)
  • total precipitable water (vertically integrated from 100 hPa to surface) [cm]
  • precipitable water 1 (vertically integrated from 900 hPa to surface) [cm]
  • precipitable water 2 (vertically integrated from 700 to 900 hPa) [cm]
  • precipitable water 3 (vertically integrated from 300 to 700 hPa) [cm]
  • total ozone amount (vertically integrated) [dobson units]
  • lifted index [deg celsius]
  • convective available potential energy [J/kg]
  • CO2 amount [ppmv]
  • cloud top pressure 1 [hPa]
  • cloud top temperature 1 [K]
  • cloud optical thickness
  • cloud mask (values: 0 clear, 1 cloud)

Instructions on downloading and installing the software as well as documentation and references describing the algorithm are included as part of the release.

The software is supported on 64 bit linux platforms.