PPT Slide
MSU1 Deep Convective Ice (DCI) Index
- Upwelling radiation from surface and lower troposphere at 53.7 GHz is
attenuated by scattering from large ice particles (snow, graupel, hail).
- Due to large MSU footprint size (110 to km), scattering signals in gridded,
limb-corrected data range are typically a few Kelvins.
Largest instantaneous values ~10K
- A 5 x 5 degree high-pass spatial filter applied to 1.0 degree gridded ascending and
descending passes is used to isolate convective ice scattering
- Instantaneous comparisons to SSM/I 85 GHz PCT show cor ~ .80 when SSM/I
retrievals are spatially smoothed to MSU resolution.
- Over land and coastal areas surface elevation and consequent gradients
induce noise and bias. Work in progress to extend algorithm to land.