PPT Slide
Key Aspects of Relevant Precipitation Algorithms
MSU1 Precipitation Spencer (1993 J Clim)
Ocean only, 1979 to present, daily 2.5 deg, ~4 samples / day
Top 15% frequency distribution of emission from liquid water at 50.3 GHz
after atmospheric temperature corrections from MSU2,3.
Calibrated to island / coastal rain gauges
Limited dynamic response to raindrops at rain rates above few mm/h
Wentz-Spencer SSM/I Wentz (1995 JGR; 1997 JAS)
Currently applied to SSM/I data at daily, 0.25 deg resolution (2.5 deg,
Physical retrieval for rainfall, ocean surface wind speed, and column-
integrated water vapor, liquid water
Beamfilling correction, ice/ precipitation scattering effects included
GPI Arkin (1979 MWR), Arkin et al., (1994 Rem Sen Rev), Joyce and Arkin (1997 JTECH) 1985 to present, 2.5 degree 40 deg N/S, pentads
Frequency of IR cold cloud tops (Tb < 235K) from 3h geostationary
sampling scaled by 3.0 mm/h effective rain rate.
Some supplementary OLR from polar orbiters in Indian Ocean.