WISC-T2000 Logistics

Current Schedule | Data Collection | Network Configuration | Personnel List

Phone Numbers | WISC-T2000 Timeline | Open Issues

1) Current Schedule

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2) Data Collection Parameters:

3) Network Configuration Information

TRUAX Network Interface Specifics for WISC-T2000

Connection to the Internet is via an RF link between the hanger/lab at TRUAX and the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) building on campus. Solectek from San Diego, California is supplying a 4 mb wireless bridge and is an extension of the SSEC network. SSEC's connection to the Internet is via the UW campus network at rates up to 45 Mbits/Sec.

Please use the following information in preparation for connecting to the network at TRUAX.


The network wiring is 10BaseT with Rj45 connectors. SSEC will supply cables to your computer.

default gateway: netmask: nameserver:,

domain: ssec.wisc.edu

A block of 50 IP addresses have been allocated for use for this experiment. They are sorted by name, so please verify that everything you need is here. At this point, the names & numbers look like this:

144.92.116.'number below'

Number Name Descriptor Owner Location
50 er2nav WISC-T2000 machine Alan Cartledge Truax
51 er2ops WISC-T2000 machine Alan Cartledge Truax
52 er2maint WISC-T2000 machine Alan Cartledge Truax
53 er2mgr WISC-T2000 machine Alan Cartledge Truax
54 columbia WISC-T2000 machine Rose Dominguez Truax
55 nb1 WISC-T2000 machine Don Smyrl Truax
56 pc1 WISC-T2000 machine Ghobie Saghri Truax
57 pc2 WISC-T2000 machine Ghobie Saghri Truax
58 pc3 WISC-T2000 machine Ghobie Saghri Truax
59 pc4 WISC-T2000 machine Ghobie Saghri Truax
60 clidar1 WISC-T2000 machine Bill Hart Truax
61 clidar2 WISC-T2000 machine Bill Hart Truax

Please contact myself or one of the other SSEC folks if there's a problem and we'll make every effort to get things worked out.


Steve Barnet--System Administrator steve.barnet@ssec.wisc.edu

UW-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center


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4) Personnel List

Name Affiliation Activity Email
Achtor, Tom UWisconsin Data support team tom.achtor@ssec.wisc.edu
Ackerman, Steve UWisconsin ER-2 Lead Scientist steve.ackerman@ssec.wisc.edu
Barnet, Steve UWisconsin Technical Computing Leader Networking Support steve.barnet@ssec.wisc.edu
Best, Fred UWisconsin S-HIS/AERI Support fred.best@ssec.wisc.edu
Broda, Ken NASA Dryden ER-2 Pilot ken broda@mail.dfrc.nasa.gov
Bruegge, Carol J. NASA JPL AirMISR instrument scientist Carol.J.Bruegge@jpl.nasa.gov
Cartledge, Alan NASA Dryden ER-2 Contact acartledge@mail.dfrc.nasa.gov
Conel, James E. NASA JPL AirMISR validation scientist jconel@jord.jpl.nasa.gov
Cunningham, Bill NASA JPL AirMISR instrument leader William.F.Cunningham@jpl.nasa.gov
Dean, Mike UWisconsin S-HIS/AERI Support mike.dean@ssec.wisc.edu
Dedecker, Ralph UWisconsin S-HIS instrument ralph.dedecker@ssec.wisc.edu
Dirkx, Tim UWisconsin S-HIS instrument tim.dirkx@ssec.wisc.edu
Dominguez, Rose ARC MAS instrument rdominguez@mail.arc.nasa.gov
Feltz, Wayne UWisconsin Webmaster/Weather Support/AERI instrument wayne.feltz@ssec.wisc.edu
Garcia, Ray UWisconsin Data Support Team ray.garcia@ssec.wisc.edu
Gregory, Terri UWisconsin SSEC Public Relations terri.gregory@ssec.wisc.edu
Gumley, Liam UWisconsin MAS instrument liam.gumley@ssec.wisc.edu
Gutierrez, Dave NASA Dryden ER-2 Crew Cheif dave_gutierrex@mail.dfrc.nasa.gov
Hart, Bill GSFC CLS Instrument billhart@virl.gsfc.nasa.gov
Herbsleb, Bob UWisconsin S-HIS instrument bob.herbsleb@ssec.wisc.edu
Howell, Ben UWisconsin S-HIS/AERI Support ben.howell@ssec.wisc.edu
Huang, Allen UWisconsin S-HIS instrument allen.huang@ssec.wisc.edu
Knuteson, Bob UWisconsin AERI instrument P.I. bob.knuteson@ssec.wisc.edu
Laporte, Dan UWisconsin S-HIS Instrument dan.laporte@ssec.wisc.edu
Ledeboer, William NASA JPL AirMISR Engineer wcl@jord.jpl.nasa.gov
McGill, Matthew GSFC CLS Instrument mcgill@virl.gsfc.nasa.gov
Menzel, Paul UWisconsin WISC-T2000 Clouds Scientist, MAS P.I. paul.menzel@ssec.wisc.edu
Moeller, Chris UWisconsin MAS instrument chris.moeller@ssec.wisc.edu
Nolin, Anne CIRES/NSIDC MISR validation/research scientist nolin@spectra.colorado.edu
Revercomb, Hank UWisconsin S-HIS instrument hank.revercomb@ssec.wisc.edu
Saghri, Ghobad NASA JPL AirMISR Software Engineer Ghobad.Saghri@jpl.nasa.gov
Short, John UWisconsin S-HIS instrument john.short@ssec.wisc.edu
Smyrl, Donald NASA Dryden Remote Sensing Technician dsymrl@mail.dfrc.nasa.gov
Strabala, Kathy UWisconsin MAS instrument
Tobin, David UWisconsin S-HIS instrument david.tobin@ssec.wisc.edu
Wade, Gary UWisconsin Data support team gary.wade@ssec.wisc.edu
Woolf, Hal UWisconsin AERI/S-HIS Instrument hal.woolf@ssec.wisc.edu
Wright, David NASA DFRC ER-2 Pilot david_wright@mail.dfrc.nasa.gov

Please send me email to the address below and I will add as I receive corrections and additions.

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5) Truax Phone Numbers

Truax Airfield Operations

Head Contact: Greg Donovan Airport Operations Manager 608-246-3392

24 Hour Number (608) 246-3397 Pager (608) 275-9627

Truax Air Traffic Control

Head Contact: Dan Hoke (608) 244-5691

AERIBAGO Cellular Phone Numbers

Motorola Bag 219-6894

Instrument Group Phone Numbers

SHIS - Cell Phone 219-8669, 235-4302

Number Location Expected Use
608-245-4708 Ops Room Pilots
608-245-4707 " Crew chief/NASA
608-245-4706 " Fax/Modem
608-245-4700 Classroom AirMISR
608-245-4704 " CLS
608-245-4702 " MAS/SAIC
608-245-4703 " S-HIS
608-245-4701 " Mission Planning

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6) WISC-T2000 Timeline

                                              F E B                            M A R C H
                                  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  10 11  12  13
ER-2 Deployment                           *************************************************************************
AERI (SSEC)                               *************************************************************************
Classonde (SSEC)                          *************************************************************************
AERIbago                                  ************************
Cloud IOP 2000 at CART SGP                                        *************************************************
Hall in field                                         *************************************************************
Nolin in field                                        *************************************************************
Wave Cloud Experiment in Colorado                                 *************************************************
ARESE II                          *********************************************************************************

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February 22, 2000
Send corrections or suggestions for the WISC-T2000 Homepage to: wayne.feltz@ssec.wisc.edu

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