Lesson 1
Chapters 1 & 2
Lesson 2
Chapter 3 & Instrument Supplement
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Chapter 4
Lesson 5
Chapter 5
Lesson 6
Chapter 6
Lesson 7
Chapter 7
Lesson 8
Chapter 8
Lesson 9
Chapter 9
Lesson 10
Chapter 10
Lesson 11
Wind Shear and Turbulence
Lesson 12
Lesson 13
Lesson 14
Case Study/Self-Briefing
Lesson 15
Case Study/Self-Briefing
Lesson 16
Case Study/Self-Briefing



This is an exercise designed to familiarize you with the web sites used in and related to this course. Start with the first web address and just follow along, answering the questions along the way (questions are underlined and in bold for clarity.)

For those new to the web: Back means put the arrow on the ‘back’ button on your browser and click. ‘Click’ means put the arrow on that image or words and push the left mouse button once. You may have to use the little arrow keys in the corners of your viewing screen to see the whole page since it all doesn’t usually fit on the screen.

Before beginning, print this page out. Put your name and student ID number at the top and hand in on or before the due date.

Start at the following address: (Type this into the "Location" box or "URL" box on your browser (Netscape, Mosaic, etc.))


This is the class lecture homepage.

What image is on this page?




Click on ‘This week's pre-class assessment’ and take the pre-test. You will have to enter your 10 digit student ID number. You will only be allowed to take this pre-test once. It doesn't count towards your grade, but we do record results.


From here, go 'back' the class website and click on Question of the Week and submit your answer.

That's it for now!


Return to Lesson 15 Page

Return to Weather For Pilots Main Page

Local Madison Weather

This web based lab section is being developed with assistance from the College of Letters and Science and the Cooperative Institute of Meteorological Satellite Studies.   Material presented is Copyrighted (C) 2000 by Steve Ackerman .  Feel free to use this material for non-profit educational purposes!