Terra-Aqua eXperiment 2002 (TX-2002)

November-December 2002


Science Objectives:


1.      MODIS Cloud Product Assessment (Ackerman, Frey, Baum, Moeller)

Payload: MAS, CPL, S-HIS

Target: ARM CART SGP or Gulf of Mexico region

Scene type: single layer high clouds, supercooled water clouds, thin cirrus

Time of Day: Daytime coordinated with Terra or Aqua (10:30am, 1:30pm)


2.      MODIS/AIRS L1B Assessment (Menzel, Moeller, Tobin, Revercomb, Smith)

Payload: MAS, S-HIS, NAST-I

Target: uniform background (SGP CART region, Gulf of Mexico)

Scene type: clear skies

Time of Day: Day or night coordinated with Aqua overpass (1:30pm/am)


3.      MODIS Atmospheric Water Vapor Product Validation (Menzel, Seeman)

Payload: MAS, S-HIS, NAST-I, radiosondes

Target: ARM CART SGP region

Scene type: clear skies

Time of Day: Daytime coordinated with Aqua (1:30pm)


4.      MAS, S-HIS, NAST-I Comparisons (Revercomb, Smith, Knuteson, Moeller)

Payload: MAS, S-HIS, NAST-I

Target: Gulf of Mexico or ARM SGP CF region

Scene type: clear sky

Time of Day Day or Night


5.      LA coast inwater turbidity estimation (Moeller, Huh, Gunshor)

Payload: MAS, S-HIS

Target: Atchafalaya Bay and nearshore Gulf of Mexico

Scene type: clear sky

Time of Day Daytime coordinated with Terra or Aqua overpass


6.      Surface Emissivity Mapping (Knuteson, Osborne)

Payload: MAS, S-HIS

Target: ARM SGP CF region

Scene type: clear sky

Time of Day Daytime coordinated with Terra or Aqua overpass


November 14, 2002
Send corrections or suggestions for the TX-2002 Homepage to: cimssmaster@ssec.wisc.edu

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