Instrumentation on the
MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS)
- 50 channel vis/ir scanning imager; 50 m spatial resolution, 36 km swath
Cloud Physics Lidar (CPL)
- 3 wavelength (355, 532, 1064 nm) micropulse lidar with dual polarization (1064 nm) providing cloud and aerosol profiles with 30 m vertical and 200 m horizontal resolution
Scanning High Resolution Interferometer Sounder (S-HIS)
-High spectral resolution MWIR to LWIR interferometer (2 km spatial res. with 36 km swath)
National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System Airborne Sounder Testbed - Interferometer (NAST-I)
High spectral resolution scanning MWIR to LWIR interferometer, 2 km spatial res., 40 km swath
RC-10 camera system
- (b/w or false color IR photo, 1-5 m spatial res., 15 km coverage)
VIS Video Camera System - Panchromatic video on VCR tape (~36 km swath)
Ground-based Instrumentation
Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI)
- Two band (520 - 3000 cm-1) high spectral resolution infrared radiance interferometer (< 0.5 wavenumber unapodized), zenith viewing
DOE ARM CART Instruments
Last Updated on November 16, 2002
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